Enterprise Valuation Services

Enterprise Valuation Services

We help enterprises discover their true value whenever they are seeking to attract investment or during M&A transactions. We represent both sell-side and buy-side clients

Highlights of recent engagements

  1. Centerprise Africa was retained by retained by Rwanda Development Board to carry out a valuation of a public enterprise where Government of Rwanda had a minority stake. Centerprise Africa successfully carried out the valuation and assisted the Government in negotiating with potential investors who were interested in acquiring the shares.
  2. Centerprise Africa carried out an enterprise valuation of a Security Company that was attracting investors to finance its growth plans.
  3. Centerprise Africa carried out an enterprise valuation of an insurance agency that was looking to sell some shares to external investors

Let us help you with what you are looking for.

You could easily ask us what you would like us to do for you, or simply ask for more information/clarification about anything you need. We really are here for you and are happy to make your life easier.

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